Mini Marathons 

Alongside the official course of the TCS Amsterdam Marathon there are three Mini Marathons organisered over 1K. Participating in the Mini Marathons means that directly after their run the children can support the Dutch and international top athletes of the TCS Amsterdam Marathon. There are no registration limits for the Mini Marathons.

The costs are € 1,- per participant. This will all go to Jeugdfonds Sport & Cultuur Amsterdam .


The three Mini Marathons all take place alongside the official course of the TCS Amsterdam Marathon. Will you stay after your Mini Marathon and encourage the Dutch and international top athletes of the TCS Amsterdam Marathon?

District South

Location: De Borcht (below Amstelpark)

District East

Location: Galileïplantsoen/Radioweg

District South

Location: Olympiaplein

District South

Location: De Borcht (below Amstelpark)
Warming-up: 08.50 hours
Official start: 09.10 hours

Online registration is possible until the 14th of October via:

District East

Location: Galileïplantsoen/Radioweg
Warming-up: 09.45 hours
Official start: 10.00 hours

Registration on site: starting at 8.30 hours
You can register online by

District South

Location: Olympiaplein
Warming-up: 12.10 hours
Official start: 12.20 hours

Registration on site: starting at 11.00 hours
Register online:

A dazzling children's party after the race!

At all three locations there are various activities for children, such as bouncy castles, music, an athletics camp, Eurobungee, a raffle with fun prizes and many more.


In Amsterdam, 1 out of 5 kids grows up living below the poverty line with insufficient economic resources. This means that approximately 30.000 children in Amsterdam do not have access to the opportunities that their more fortunate peers may take for granted, for example, participating in organized sports. Jeugdfonds Sport Amsterdam pays the membership fees for a child from a low-income family directly to the sports association. Requests can be send to one of the 1100 intermediaries in Amsterdam.

This year Jeugdfonds Sport and Le Champion are teaming up in order to get more children involved in sports in Amsterdam. Our mission on October the 20th: get Amsterdam kids moving! We are already looking forward to see those happy faces and running children during the Mini Marathons.