Kids Runs

During the TCS Amsterdam Marathon there also several activities for kids. They can choose from the Kids Run at the Olympic Stadium or participate in one of the Mini Marathons alongside the official course of the 'big' marathon. How cool is that?

Kids Run - Olympic Quarter

The Kids Run is a children's run that takes place during the TCS Amsterdam Marathon at the Olympic Stadium. Children aged 4 to 13 can participate in the 800-metre course that starts behind the stadium, near the Cruyff Court, with a pleasant course through the Olympic Quarter and then finishes at the Olympic Stadium. 1.000 children can participate in this Kids Run.

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Mini Marathons - alongside the course

This year there also the famous 1K short run Mini Marathon for children in the neighbourhood will be organised. This kilometre runs for children till the age of 13 take place on three different locations, all alongside the official course of the TCS Amsterdam Marathon.

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In Amsterdam, 1 out of 5 kids grows up living below the poverty line with insufficient economic resources. This means that approximately 30.000 children in Amsterdam do not have access to the opportunities that their more fortunate peers may take for granted, for example, participating in organized sports. Doing sports at a club or association helps a child to develop physically, mentally and socially — important for indivdual child’s future, but also for their family, and in the end society as a whole. Jeugdfonds Sport Amsterdam pays the membership fees for a child from a low-income family directly to the sports association. Requests can be send to one of the 1100 intermediaries in Amsterdam. An intermediary is designated because of their job involved in the care and development of a child, like a teacher, general practitioner, coach, social worker or debt counsellor.

Also this year Jeugdfonds Sport and Le Champion are teaming up in order to get more children involved in sports in Amsterdam, united by our shared ambition to build enthusiasm for and participation in sport. Our mission on October the 16th: literally and figuratively get Amsterdam kids moving! We are already looking forward to see those happy faces and running children during the Mini Marathons.
